Chris Hoy's Flying Fergus Collection - 10 books

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  • $299.00

Children will be racing all the way through the 10 books featured in this exciting collection of Flying Fergus books. Written by Olympic champion Sir Chris Hoy, the pacy reads combine cycling with magic and adventure.

The Best Birthday Bike, the first book in the series, finds Fergus Hamilton getting a rusty old bike for his 9th birthday from his mum and granddad. It's not the Sullivan Swift he was after, but when he cleans it up and takes it for a test run, something amazing happens... He finds himself transported to Nevermore, a land where cycling is banned by the wicked King Woebegot.

Soon Fergus, his chimp and their new friend Princess Lily are ignoring the king's rule and bunny-hopping on their bikes over the Swamp of Certain Death. When Fergus returns to the real world, he remembers he needs to complete a time trial in order to join the local cycling team. Will he be able to impress without the help of magic?

With fantastic illustrations from Clare Elsom, these books combine the craziness of Adventure Time with cycling success from a popular Olympian. They're a golden read!

Format: paperback

Titles in this collection (10)

  1. The Best Birthday Bike
  2. The Great Cycle Challenge
  3. The Big Biscuit Bike Off
  4. The Championship Cheats
  5. The Winning Team
  6. The Cycle Search and Rescue
  7. The Wreck-it Race
  8. Trouble on the Track
  9. The Secret Cycle Scoop
  10. The Photo Finish
  • Publisher: Bonnier Publishing Ltd
  • Format: Collection
  • Dimensions: 19.0cm x 12.0cm